91 research outputs found

    Aspectes lògics de la complexitat computacional

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    Model-Checking Problems as a Basis for Parameterized Intractability

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    Most parameterized complexity classes are defined in terms of a parameterized version of the Boolean satisfiability problem (the so-called weighted satisfiability problem). For example, Downey and Fellow's W-hierarchy is of this form. But there are also classes, for example, the A-hierarchy, that are more naturally characterised in terms of model-checking problems for certain fragments of first-order logic. Downey, Fellows, and Regan were the first to establish a connection between the two formalisms by giving a characterisation of the W-hierarchy in terms of first-order model-checking problems. We improve their result and then prove a similar correspondence between weighted satisfiability and model-checking problems for the A-hierarchy and the W^*-hierarchy. Thus we obtain very uniform characterisations of many of the most important parameterized complexity classes in both formalisms. Our results can be used to give new, simple proofs of some of the core results of structural parameterized complexity theory.Comment: Changes in since v2: Metadata update

    On slicewise monotone parameterized problems and optimal proof systems for TAUT

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    On p-optimal proof systems and logics for PTIME

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    Consistency and optimality

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    Assume that the problem Qo is not solvable in polynomial time. For theories T containing a sufficiently rich part of true arithmetic we characterize T U {ConT} as the minimal extension of T proving for some algorithm that it decides Qo as fast as any algorithm B with the property that T proves that B decides Qo. Here, ConT claims the consistency of T. Moreover, we characterize problems with an optimal algorithm in terms of arithmetical theories

    Lower bounds for kernelizations

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    Hard instances of algorithms and proof systems

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    Homomorphisms are a good basis for counting small subgraphs

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    We introduce graph motif parameters, a class of graph parameters that depend only on the frequencies of constant-size induced subgraphs. Classical works by Lov\'asz show that many interesting quantities have this form, including, for fixed graphs HH, the number of HH-copies (induced or not) in an input graph GG, and the number of homomorphisms from HH to GG. Using the framework of graph motif parameters, we obtain faster algorithms for counting subgraph copies of fixed graphs HH in host graphs GG: For graphs HH on kk edges, we show how to count subgraph copies of HH in time kO(k)n0.174k+o(k)k^{O(k)}\cdot n^{0.174k + o(k)} by a surprisingly simple algorithm. This improves upon previously known running times, such as O(n0.91k+c)O(n^{0.91k + c}) time for kk-edge matchings or O(n0.46k+c)O(n^{0.46k + c}) time for kk-cycles. Furthermore, we prove a general complexity dichotomy for evaluating graph motif parameters: Given a class C\mathcal C of such parameters, we consider the problem of evaluating fCf\in \mathcal C on input graphs GG, parameterized by the number of induced subgraphs that ff depends upon. For every recursively enumerable class C\mathcal C, we prove the above problem to be either FPT or #W[1]-hard, with an explicit dichotomy criterion. This allows us to recover known dichotomies for counting subgraphs, induced subgraphs, and homomorphisms in a uniform and simplified way, together with improved lower bounds. Finally, we extend graph motif parameters to colored subgraphs and prove a complexity trichotomy: For vertex-colored graphs HH and GG, where HH is from a fixed class H\mathcal H, we want to count color-preserving HH-copies in GG. We show that this problem is either polynomial-time solvable or FPT or #W[1]-hard, and that the FPT cases indeed need FPT time under reasonable assumptions.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper appears at STOC 201

    Strong isomorphism reductions in complexity theory

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    We give the first systematic study of strong isomorphism reductions, a notion of reduction more appropriate than polynomial time reduction when, for example, comparing the computational complexity of the isomorphim problem for different classes of structures. We show that the partial ordering of its degrees is quite rich. We analyze its relationship to a further type of reduction between classes of structures based on purely comparing for every n the number of nonisomorphic structures of cardinality at most n in both classes. Furthermore, in a more general setting we address the question of the existence of a maximal element in the partial ordering of the degrees